Dungeon Loot
Account access required Your char will be played by a master player who conducts himself in a friendly and professional manner while in the game - a big difference to some random hacker with limited english skills. You will know the difference ! Your char will gain levels based on legit gameplay ONLY! In the safest way possible. By good old hard work. |
Bronze Chest of the Collector! The Collector! | |||
Sigils of Machiavelli! NEW:
Gauntlet buff at your command! THE BEAST - so yes, get your Burden of Competence |
NEW: Subway Raid instance |
Temple of Aztur the Immortal 201+ Temple of 3 Winds for the big boys |
Sniper's friend, freedom arms and more Lots of great items and weapons can be found here! |
Perfected DB bracer and DB armor Boss instance with the top bracer in game and good armor! |
Sector 13, 28 and 35 are waiting for you |
Masterpiece bracers and infused devices Very good items for level 201+ |
The Reck! New playfield on Rubi-Ka! |